Food and chemical sensitivities can result in an immune system reaction causing symptoms of IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, Ulcerative Colitis, GERD, Arthritis, Autism Spectrum Disorders and more. Individuals with food and chemical sensitivities benefit from avoiding these items that trigger pain, fatigue and inflammation. It is very hard to detect which foods are making you sick from a food diary because the onset of symptoms may occur up to 3 days after eating.
The MRT is a blood test that identifies your immune system's response to 170 foods and chemicals. It identifies and measures mediator release that causes pain and inflammation. The results of the blood test are then used to create an individualized healthy eating plan, the LEAP (Lifestyle, Eating And Performance) protocol, to reduce or eliminate symptoms.
The MRT is a blood test that identifies your immune system's response to 170 foods and chemicals. It identifies and measures mediator release that causes pain and inflammation. The results of the blood test are then used to create an individualized healthy eating plan, the LEAP (Lifestyle, Eating And Performance) protocol, to reduce or eliminate symptoms.
The most common blood test used to help identify sensitive foods (ELISA IgG) can detect a single type of sensitivity reaction (Type 3, which covers only 25% of reactions). IgG testing also does not identify reactions to food-chemicals and can have a high false positive leading to daunting results. MRT (Mediator Release Test) accounts for both Type 3 and the more common Type 4 pathways. MRT also identifies reactions to food chemicals. Independent studies confirm MRT is the most accurate and comprehensive blood test available for food and food-chemical reactions. MRT can serve as your jump-start to improved wellbeing and systemic balance. With the results from MRT, you will be able to identify your triggers to begin a path with a systematic process in determining your optimal diet.
Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities and many are unaware that their symptoms are related to diet and digestive function. Conditions such as IBS, acid reflux, migraine, and other chronic headaches, weight imbalances, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, skin eruptions, brain fog, cramping, bloating, and many chronic health problems are related to inflammatory immune reactions to foods or chemicals.
Symptoms provoked by food sensitivities occur when our immune system begins perceiving foods in the same way it perceives things which are truly harmful such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. There are many reasons why this can happen, but this mistaken identity leads to the release of toxic chemicals called “mediators” (such as histamine, cytokines, and prostaglandins) from our immune cells. It’s the inflammatory and pain-inducing effects of the mediators that give rise to symptoms, which ends up making us feel sick.
Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities and many are unaware that their symptoms are related to diet and digestive function. Conditions such as IBS, acid reflux, migraine, and other chronic headaches, weight imbalances, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, skin eruptions, brain fog, cramping, bloating, and many chronic health problems are related to inflammatory immune reactions to foods or chemicals.
Symptoms provoked by food sensitivities occur when our immune system begins perceiving foods in the same way it perceives things which are truly harmful such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. There are many reasons why this can happen, but this mistaken identity leads to the release of toxic chemicals called “mediators” (such as histamine, cytokines, and prostaglandins) from our immune cells. It’s the inflammatory and pain-inducing effects of the mediators that give rise to symptoms, which ends up making us feel sick.
Research has shown that patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic depression, and many other conditions have higher than normal levels of these mediators circulating throughout their body. For many, the "trigger" that causes the mediators to be released can be linked to foods or chemicals in their diet.
Food sensitivity symptoms are often chronic because the mediators that produce the symptoms we experience are released every time a 'reactive' food is ingested. Additionally, the severity of the symptom may be dose dependent or may interact when several 'reactive' foods are ingested together. Finally, some reactions do not present until 72 hours after ingestion. Collectively, this makes it very difficult to identify patterns and/or the food/food chemical culprit. By using a lab test to determine a starting point for identification of irritants allows for the body's immune system and inflammatory pathways to 'rest' and an elimination diet to 'reset' the system. Once we've worked to remove irritants and focus on rebalancing the overall digestive system and function, an integrative practitioner helps to systematically reintroduce foods/food chemicals while tracking symptoms. The goal is to gradually reintroduce these foods while allowing the body to heal itself and support re-building the gut microbiome and immune support under the guidance of an integrative practitioner.
— MRT LEAP blood test of 170 most common foods and food chemicals. Results provided within 2-3 weeks of blood draw.
— 50-page LEAP booklet with common and hidden sources of reactive foods, additives and chemicals, reactive food alternatives, and more.
— Laminated wallet-sized card listing your reactive foods for quick reference.
— 50-page LEAP booklet with common and hidden sources of reactive foods, additives and chemicals, reactive food alternatives, and more.
— Laminated wallet-sized card listing your reactive foods for quick reference.